I am a Writer (Tell Your Story)

En el curso de "English Composition I" de la Universidad de Duke, que inicié hace unos días a través de la plataforma virtual Coursera, me pidieron hacer un breve ensayo acerca de cómo me veía yo como escritor y cuáles son los hitos que resaltan en mi vida como escritor. El resultado me pareció suficientemente simpático como para compartirse en el blog:

My name is José M. Garay, a 42 years old professional living in Lima, Peru. The most writing material I produce at this time is related to my job: I work in the risk management field, specifically in an insurance company, and I need to write a lot of emails, reports and presentations. But looking backwards, the first memory I have as a writer is when I was 13 and got so impressed after watching The Omen on TV that I decided to write that story on paper. My mother had a typewriter at home, so I used it to write some movies I had seen and after some time I started to create my own fiction stories.

After many years, at 2006, I ventured myself as a writer in the world of blogs. At this time I still spend some time maintaining a blog for my personal reflections, ideas and memories (http://galileus.blogspot.pe/), and two other with specialized contents related to the risk management and business continuity disciplines (http://gestionderiesgos-pe.blogspot.pe/ and http://businesscontinuity-pe.blogspot.pe/). I haven’t got a decent audience yet but I enjoy the blogging activity a lot.

Inspired in my experiences as a father and my own religious believes, at 2011 I wrote a story for children, named “The First Miracle” (http://elprimermilagro.blogspot.pe/), and was published digitally at 2012. I received a lot of recognition between my family and friends. That was a very satisfying moment in my life as a writer. It’s the only book I wrote until now, but sometimes I feel that an idea for another one is germinating in my brain.

In spite of my writing activity being absolutely in Spanish, I decided to take this course in order to improve my skills on English as a second language and in addition to be a better writer in general.


Sebastian dijo…
Very nice post.

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